Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

#117 Search for Israeli partner to join H2020 Green Deal consortium applying for the LC-GD-6-1-2020 call

  • Industry Agri and food
  • Online since 2020-12-30

A consortium with a proposal that is almost fully prepared for submission under call TOPIC LC-GD-6-1-2020, Subtopic D: “Reducing the dependence on the use of antimicrobials in animal production and in aquaculture”, is looking for additional partners. One of the existing partners is Wageningen University & Research (WUR). Title: Systemic Multi-ActoR cross-secToral INNovative approach for reduction of dependence on use of antimicrobials in FARM animal production and aquaculture in Europe The partner sought: Consumer organisation, veterinary association, producer association, policy maker regional/international, NGO, WWF, EFSA connections, WHO connections, FAO connections. The partner's intendent role in the consortium: Root cause analysis, stakeholder engagement, communication and dissemination. Only selected applicants will be contacted. To express your interest: please upload a one-pager brochure no later than Jan 10th at noon (12:00) to the google drive folder:

Search for Israeli partner to join H2020 Green Deal consortium applying for the LC-GD-6-1-2020 call

Project Description 

The Systemic multi-actor innovative approach for reduction of the dependence on the use of antimicrobials in animal production and in aquaculture", proposal which we are preparing (developing) for the H2020 European Green Deal Call "TOPIC ID: LC-GD-6-1-2020", Subtopic D: “Reducing the dependence on the use of antimicrobials in animal production and in aquaculture”.  It is an Innovation Action project, funded at 100% of the eligible direct costs by the EC except 70% for SMEs, with a budget from EUR 6 to 12 million and the deadline 26th January 2021.

The project idea was proposed by our colleague Nataša Golić from the Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering, University of Belgrade (IMGGE). Project will be coordinated by the Swiss company Phytonet and the EUTA team (my colleague Nikoleta Vrcelj and me) will help in proposal preparation and project implementation  

We would appreciate your contribution to our project in work packages WP7 and WP8 as we share your values of living in a healthier more sustainable future and only by mobilizing everyone concerned we could reach this Goal. Even with a tight submission deadline we are confident that with a strong Consortium, we will rise to the occasion.

Currently our Consortium is highly multidisciplinary and is composed of sociologists, economists, mathematicians, bioinformaticians, animal geneticists, epidemiologists, veterinarians, farmers, policy makers, international organisations and consumer associations. This is a non exhaustive list.  

In case that you are not available for partnership in our project, very helpful feedback would be providing us with details of your network that might be interested in collaboration, including animal and fish farms that would be willing to participate. 


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    Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Israel

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607

  • +972 (0) 52 9530 385
