Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

Success Stories

January 2024


The leaders of Israel’s hydrogen community met for the fourth time at the Innovation Center Quantum Hub. The main objectives were to address the opportunities in the field of the development of hydrogen valleys (H2V), to call for bottom-up H2V proposals, to develop plans to decarbonize electricity production to reach net zero goals and to identify novel waste-to-hydrogen technologies. IA Israel will continue playing an important role by providing a strong angle for cooperation opportunities.



IA Israel organized a visit of the CdP, deputy CdP and the economics team to Philips Israel in Haifa. The main objectives were to learn about the role of Philips Israel on national and international levels, to identify trade opportunities and procurements needs and to facilitate cooperation between Philips IL and NL research companies, medical organisations and universities on that basis. IA Israel will continue playing an important role in enhancing innovation opportunities in the field of digital health and imaging technologies between the Netherlands and Israel.



IA Israel organized a visit of the CdP and the economics team to ARC Innovation Center at the Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan. The main objectives were to strengthen the innovation cooperation between ARC and NL. The former has a plethora of international ties with leading medical institutions. IA Israel will develop a program for an ARC digital health delegation to NL in June 2024. In addition, the visit of the economic team might lead to scaling up of ARC startups in NL and to trade opportunities for NL medical infrastructure and technology.

December 2023
Successful development of innovation cooperation between the Israel Electric Company (IEC) and NL companies

Successful development of innovation cooperation between the Israel Electric Company (IEC) and NL companies

The Netherlands Innovation Network Israel contributed to the development of a multitude of contacts between the Israel Electric Company (IEC) and different NL companies in the fields of i) hydrogen implementation strategy; ii) safety & risk analysis of Hydrogen implementation equipment; iii) ammonia as a H2 carrier and its cracking and burning; iv) conversion of existing Natural Gas (NG) pipelines into ones that can transport hydrogen mixtures; v) retrofitting of existing gas turbines into ones that burn H2 mixtures. These interactions are translated into NDAs,  and later into pilot projects and visits in NL.

November 2023
Climate public diplomacy implementation in Israel - MinBuZa IOB Evaluation of climate diplomacy

Climate public diplomacy implementation in Israel - MinBuZa IOB Evaluation of climate diplomacy

The Dutch ministry of foreign affairs carried out a study to measure the effect of NL's climate public diplomacy (PD) overseas. 44 countries completed a survey in December 2022 from which 18 countries were further evaluated. 2 countries were chosen as best examples of successful implementation of NL's climate PD: Israel and Vietnam. The test case for IL was green hydrogen, a clean energy carrier which is part of the global energy transition towards net zero emissions in 2050.

October 2023
Two Dutch Israeli cooperations presented at the 70th anniversary of the Netherlands Innovation Network

Two Dutch Israeli cooperations presented at the 70th anniversary of the Netherlands Innovation Network

The Netherlands Innovation Network celebrated its 70th anniversary. The cooperation between Israel and The Netherlands was presented at the Innovation Parade: i) Electric Global cooperation with the Port of Amsterdam; ii) Israel-NL cooperation over the past decade in semiconductors. The NL IL innovation cooperation was presented to the Dutch Economy Minister Micky Adriaansens during her VIP tour at the NIN parade.

September 2023
Women in Green Hydrogen session and statement at the Hydrogen Energy Summit 2023, Cairo, Egypt

Women in Green Hydrogen session and statement at the Hydrogen Energy Summit 2023, Cairo, Egypt

IA Israel co-organized with Shelli Zargary from GenCell Technologies a session on Women in Green Hydrogen at the Hydrogen Egypt Summit 2023. The draft statement we presented was: "We, women in the hydrogen sector around the world, are on a mission – to speed up the just transition to clean energy for all. Now is high time for women to lead the hydrogen sector in the MENA region to produce green hydrogen and ammonia for local use as well as for export, leveraging hydrogen to democratize the energy sector".


Presentation of hydrogen opportunities for NL in the Eastern Mediterraenean Countries at the Hydrogen Energy Summit 2023, Cairo, Egypt

Presentation of hydrogen opportunities for NL in the Eastern Mediterraenean Countries at the Hydrogen Energy Summit 2023, Cairo, Egypt

IA Israel presented her "PYRAMID" pitch at the Hydrogen Energy Summit 2023, Cairo, Egypt, which emphasis the need for Policy & Production, engagement of Youth, foreseen revenue and economic benefit, Agreements in the region and with NL, land and maritime Mobility, Innovation from Israel and NL, Development of Hydrogen Valleys and Domestic use of H2 in MENA countries. The NL was well represented at this meeting: moderation by Patrick Cnubben, presentations by the ports of Amsterdam and Rotterdam, presence of Soluforce. YouTube: PYRAMID presentation at Hydrogen Egypt Summit 2023 (HES2023) in Cairo -

July 2023
3rd meeting of the Israeli hydrogen community

3rd meeting of the Israeli hydrogen community

The leaders of Israel's hydrogen community met for the third time at the Innovation Center Quantum Hub. The objectives were to share lessons learnt from the development of Israel's first hydrogen fueling station, to hear about the energy transition and the role green and blue hydrogen can play, to learn about CCUS, to review the opportunities in the field of hydrogen in the eastern Mediterranean basin. NL will continue playing an important role in the development of IL's hydrogen economy and infrastructure.



June 2023
Netherlands hydrogen delegation to Israel 4-8 June 2023

Netherlands hydrogen delegation to Israel 4-8 June 2023

The Netherlands hydrogen delegation visited 13 hydrogen-related sites in Israel, including 3 startups (H2Pro, Gencell and QD-Sol), 3 companies (Bazan, ICL and Sonol), Technion, 2 ministries (Energy, Defense), a cybersecurity lab and 2 innovation ecosystem organizations (Startup Nation Central and Israel Innovation Authority). All the visits strengthened the NL IL hydrogen bonds and will be followed up.

Visit of the NL hydrogen delegation at H2Pro

Visit of the NL hydrogen delegation at H2Pro

The visit of the NL hydrogen delegation at H2Pro raised a lot of interest, especially scaling up opportunities of H2Pro at the Port of Amsterdam and at RWE from the Eemshaven region in the North of the Netherlands.

Visit of the NL hydrogen delegation at the Technion 5 June

Visit of the NL hydrogen delegation at the Technion 5 June

The Dutch hydrogen delegation to Israel visited the Technion to connect and share scientific ideas with Professors Avner Rothschild, Carmel Rotschild, David Eisenberg, Galia Maayan and Charlotte Vogt in the field of hydrogen. The importance of a student exchange program between the Technion and TU/Eindhoven was discussed. Mark Boneschanscher presented EIRES – Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems . This meeting is the first after the one of Minister Kaag who visited the Technion in Feb 2020, an occasion during which an MoU was signed with TU/e. We followed up with the senior management of the Technion: Wayne Kaplan, Jacob (Koby) Rubinstein and Dr. Rafi Aviram.

Visit of NL hydrogen delegation at Bazan 5 June 2023

Visit of NL hydrogen delegation at Bazan 5 June 2023

The meeting with Shlomi Basson and the Bazan team led to a few potential collaborations. Looking forward to seeing the fruits of this meeting for Rosen Group, Optics11 - Fiber optic sensing solutions Gasunie and SoluForce.



Visit of NL hydrogen delegation at Sonol's first hydrogen refueling station

Visit of NL hydrogen delegation at Sonol's first hydrogen refueling station

Our last visit of the day was at the first hydrogen refueling station in Yagur by Sonol.

Fascinating seeing the vision turned into reality and speaking of future aspirations both in Israel and in the Netherlands.

Main points of the visit were Robert-Jan Berg of SoluForce presentation of the company’s innovative hydrogen pipe solutions, discussing regulation in the hydrogen industry and a suggested cooperation between the Israeli Sonol and the Dutch Resato Hydrogen Technology.

Visit of NL hydrogen mission at GenCell

Visit of NL hydrogen mission at GenCell

A successful start of day 2 with a visit to GenCell Energy which specializes in ammonia cracking and off grid solutions (application: in case of natural disaster or temporary disruption).

Visit of NL hydrogen delegation at Startup Nation Central 6 June 2023

Visit of NL hydrogen delegation at Startup Nation Central 6 June 2023

Many exciting projects are hopefully coming out of the meeting with Startup Nation Central, such as a hackathon hosted by SNC with RWE, Port of Amsterdam and Eindhoven University of Technology and potentially testing IL technologies at large NL companies, joint R&D projects with GroenvermogenNL.

Meeting of NL hydrogen mission with MAFAT and Hydrolite 6 June 2023

Meeting of NL hydrogen mission with MAFAT and Hydrolite 6 June 2023

Many new connections were made between the NL companies and IL Defense sector which is developing the Solar2Hydrogen hub. Additionally, the startup HYDROLITE , an offspring of Elbit Systems Ltd presented its innovative Electrolyzer technology.

Visit of NL hydrogen mission at QD-Sol 6 June 2023

Visit of NL hydrogen mission at QD-Sol 6 June 2023

We started the third day of the Dutch hydrogen mission to Israel by a visit at QD-SOL LTD. We were grateful to witness real time hydrogen production by QD-Sol's proprietary nano particle-based technology.

Visit of NL Hydrogen delegation to Energy Infrastructure Storage Facility

Visit of NL Hydrogen delegation to Energy Infrastructure Storage Facility

Amazing visit to Energy Infrastructure’s underground facility of learning about their unique journey and methods and getting to hear about their hydrogen pilot. Main topics were discussed, such as developing scaling up technologies.

Visit of NL hydrogen delegation at Cybersecurity lab 7 June 2023

Visit of NL hydrogen delegation at Cybersecurity lab 7 June 2023

Had a mind opening visit at The Israeli Cybersecurity National Lab (ICNL) and hearing about the possible, and perhaps needed, connections between the #hydrogen and the #cyber sectors. Great collaboration opportunity for the delegates and their companies will be further discussed.

Visit of NL hydrogen mission at ICL Beer Sheva

Visit of NL hydrogen mission at ICL Beer Sheva

Finished our third day at ICL Group and discussed their ambitious “drop the million” Sdom project. Discussing and comparing work in NL and IL and sharing ideas and solutions, as well as possible mutual work with Gasunie, SoluForce and other NL hydrogen delegates, such as Patrick Cnubben and Jörg Gigler.

Visit of NL hydrogen delegation at IL innovation authority 8 June 2023

Visit of NL hydrogen delegation at IL innovation authority 8 June 2023

The fourth day of the Netherlands hydrogen delegation to Israel started at the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA), raising the importance of funding opportunities for industrial R&D. Our mutual goal is to enable Israeli startups to carry out pilots using the support of IIA and advance collaborations between NL and IL, as well as the potential of GroenvermogenNL consortia, as presented by Dr. Sofia Derossi .

Visit of NL hydrogen to IL at the IL Ministry of Energy 8 June 2023

Visit of NL hydrogen to IL at the IL Ministry of Energy 8 June 2023

We were thinking together with the Israel Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure on the recently developed national hydrogen agenda. The Dutch hydrogen delegates showed keen interest in Israel's plans to invest in hydrogen and to add it to its green energy resources.

We listened to Israel's challenges, such as hydrogen valleys, regulation, safety, transportation, storage, and provided initial feedback and referred to our experts in the Netherlands.

One of Israel's ambitions is to play in the international arena. You can count on the Netherlands for such international cooperation. And for the Netherlands, Israel is a source of innovation, entrepreneurship and an important player in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin.

B2B meetings of the NL hydrogen delegation to IL

B2B meetings of the NL hydrogen delegation to IL

One of the highlights of the NL hydrogen delegation to IL was the B2B meeting which was co-organized with the Hila Lipman and Lior Gaon from the Israel Export Institute. The delegates had meetings with 45 Israeli startups and scaleups in the fields of hydrogen, energytech, climatech and cybersecurity. The B2B participants were of course invited to the hydrogen reception which took place right after the B2B event.

Hydrogen reception at the Netherlands embassy at Israel

Hydrogen reception at the Netherlands embassy at Israel

The festive reception for the NL hydrogen delegation to IL completed the program. Over 100 people attended this lovely event which took place at the residence of the NL ambassador to IL Hans Docter.

First Israeli Women in Green Hydrogen Meeting 22 June 2023

First Israeli Women in Green Hydrogen Meeting 22 June 2023

The first Israeli Women in Green Hydrogen (IL WiGH) was organized by IA Israel and hosted by the deputy NL ambassador to Israel. The meeting was aimed at developing R&D cooperation between the IL WiGH network and the Netherlands. Around 20 women, representing startups, scaleups, NGOs and academic, took active part. Action items, include the development of a catalogue of IL hydrogen projects, connections to NL organizations and EU projects.

May 2023
Israeli hydrogen delegation to World Hydrogen Summit 2023

Israeli hydrogen delegation to World Hydrogen Summit 2023

Over 35 Israeli enthusiastic delegates from the entire Israeli hydrogen value chain participated at the World Hydrogen Summit 2023. Discussions and meetings with Dutch public and private organizations took place at the conference in Rotterdam and at other locations in the Netherlands. In three weeks' time, the Dutch hydrogen delegation will visit Israel to further the cooperation with the Israeli energy sector.

March 2023
IA Israel continues NL IL cooperation with the leaders of Israel's hydrogen community

IA Israel continues NL IL cooperation with the leaders of Israel's hydrogen community

The leaders of Israel's hydrogen community, the majority of which were part of the Israeli hydrogen mission to the netherlands in May 2022, met for the second time at the Innovation center Quantum Hub. IA Israel presented a first-time initial and green hydrogen demand curve for the Israeli heavy transport sector. Other presentations included the Solar-2-H2 Hub, plans of INGL to convert IL's natural gas backbone to one which can transport H2 (a project carried out in cooperation with GasUnie). NL will continue playing an important role in the development of IL's hydrogen economy and infrastructure.

Netherlands airspace management mission networking event in Israel

Netherlands airspace management mission networking event in Israel

IA Israel organized a networking event for the Netherlands airspace management and drone mission to Israel with over 25 participants from IL decentralised Coordination & Collision Avoidance System (C&CAS) technology companies, the Civil Aviation Authority of Israel, Israel Airports Authority Ltd., Ayalon Highways, Port of Ashdod, the Israel Export Institute and the Israel Innovation Authority, as well as with the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA).

Netherlands airspace management mission meets Israel's National Drone Initiative

Netherlands airspace management mission meets Israel's National Drone Initiative

The Israeli company Ciconia Ltd. demonstrated its decentralized hybrid midair conflict management system to a Dutch airspace management delegation. The delegation is organized by Port of Rotterdam and Airwayz and is scouting for Israeli airspace management technology and is learning from Israel's National Drone Initiative. IA Israel is organizing a networking event at the end of the mission.

February 2023
High-level meetings for a Dutch company in the field of oil refineries

High-level meetings for a Dutch company in the field of oil refineries

IA Israel organized high-level meetings for the Dutch company Kadima Heat Consult with Israeli refineries, chemical companies and the Israel Electricity Company. The purpose of the meetings was to learn about the energy transition needs of the Israeli companies and to offer Kadima's expertise and services. NL companies are playing an important role in IL's energy transition.

NL Embassies of Israel, Cyprus and Greece discuss NL Eastern Mediterranean Green Hydrogen Valleys and H2 Opportunities

NL Embassies of Israel, Cyprus and Greece discuss NL Eastern Mediterranean Green Hydrogen Valleys and H2 Opportunities

The NL embassies of Israel (IL), Cyprus (CY) and Greece (GR) discussed possible green Hydrogen (H2) valleys and cooperation opportunities with NL. There is clear room for regional cooperation throughout the entire H2 value chain; and this cooperation can be strengthened with the active involvement of public and private organizations in NL, such as HEAVENN. The Clean Hydrogen Partnership and Horizon Europe Programmes offer funding opportunities for such cooperation.

January 2023
Meeting of Israeli hydrogen community to discuss domestic and international activities

Meeting of Israeli hydrogen community to discuss domestic and international activities

The leaders of Israel's hydrogen community, the majority of which were part of the Israeli hydrogen mission to the Netherlands in May 2022, met at the Innovation center Quantum Hub. The objectives were to discuss domestic use in the heavy transportation sector, to assure further R&D development and scaling up of IL technology, and to assure that IL cooperates internationally with the Netherlands, with countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin, MENA and Gulf countries. NL will continue playing an important role in the development of IL's hydrogen economy and infrastructure.

December 2022
Chairing Hydrogen Session at the 19th Israeli Energy & Business Convention

Chairing Hydrogen Session at the 19th Israeli Energy & Business Convention

Innovation Attache Israel organized and moderated a hydrogen panel at the Israel Energy & Business Convention with speakers from The Netherlands (New Energy Coalition), Israel (Bazan, ICL Group, Meitar Law Firm) and Germany. The session focused on hydrogen valleys, production of green hydrogen, storage, IL’s 1st hydrogen refueling station, and on regulation.

The presentations can be found at:

VR on the hydrogen value chain at the 19th Israeli Energy & Business Convention

VR on the hydrogen value chain at the 19th Israeli Energy & Business Convention

During the 2-days of the 19th Israel Energy & Business Convention the hydrogen manager of the New Energy Coalition, NL, offered a unique virtual reality (VR) experience. The VR demonstrated the hydrogen value chain, in general, and specifically HEAVENN, the NL hydrogen vallue in the North of NL. This activity interested many of the hundreds of conference participants. It is expected that the VR experience will lead to more NL IL cooperation in the hydrogen economy.

November 2022
Delegation of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) of six leading Dutch University Medical Centre hospitals visited the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center to discuss digital transformation

Delegation of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) of six leading Dutch University Medical Centre hospitals visited the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center to discuss digital transformation

The Chief Information Officers (CIOs) of six leading Dutch University Medical Centre hospitals visited the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov). Ichilov’s professional team presented successes and challenges in the development and uptake of technology and the journey of digital transformation. It was a great opportunity to learn from each other how to overcome barriers and to create better support for medical professionals and patients and the meeting serves as a good ground for further exploration and collaboration. The visit was co-organized by Dr. Racheli Kreisberg, Innovation Attache Netherlands Embassy in Israel and Omer Muzaffi, COO Ichilov-Tech.

CEO of the Israeli Center for Advanced Photonics attended the Photonics Integrated Circuits (PIC) conference in Eindhoven Nov 2022

CEO of the Israeli Center for Advanced Photonics attended the Photonics Integrated Circuits (PIC) conference in Eindhoven Nov 2022

The CEO of the Israeli Center for Advanced Photonics (ICAP) attended the PIC conference in Eindhoven and presented the competence of Israel’s photonics sector and made valuable contacts which will be followed up. IA Israel facilitated many of the meetings with the NL photonics community, such as PhotonDelta, TU Eindhoven and NL startups and SMEs in photonics. OASIS 2022, Dec 2022, in Israel provides an opportunity for NL photonics organizations to develop concrete projects.

IA Israel attended COP27, November 2022, in Sharm El Seikh, Egypt to further develop NL-IL hydrogen cooperation

IA Israel attended COP27, November 2022, in Sharm El Seikh, Egypt to further develop NL-IL hydrogen cooperation

IA Israel attended COP27, November 2022, in Sharm El Seikh, Egypt. At the Blue Zone the Israeli pavilion showcased IL hydrogen technology, some of which could be of interest to NL, as well as regional cooperation opportunities (i.e., MoU between H2Pro (IL) and Gaia Technologies (Morocco).  The future is here: hydrogen-based vehicles.

October 2022
Visit of PM Rutte focused, among others, on Dutch Israeli energy and hydrogen cooperation

Visit of PM Rutte focused, among others, on Dutch Israeli energy and hydrogen cooperation

The visit of PM Rutte in Israel 24-25 October 2022 focused, among others, on Dutch Israeli energy and hydrogen cooperation. This includes knowledge transfer, scaling up of IL startups in NL, pilot projects of IL companies in NL, NL MNEs consulting IL in developing hydrogen and LNG infrastructure, hydrogen refueling stations, cooperation projects in the field of green hydrogen production and more with NL companies, such as seaports. In 2023 we expect that this cooperation will be further developed to explore bilateral opportunities, some of which can have a regional impact, and others which are trilateral and based on the Abraham Accords between IL and UAE.

September 2022
Israeli company ECOncrete Starts Projects with The Port of Rotterdam

Israeli company ECOncrete Starts Projects with The Port of Rotterdam

PortXL 2018 alumni ECOncrete is working together with the Port of Rotterdam to implement their biodiversity-enhancing blocks into the new quay wall of the Amaliahaven. These special blocks have been designed to last up to 120 years. The special shape and structure provide an ideal habitat for mussels and algae, and fish and crabs find food and safety there.

Next to this, with ECOncrete’s technology to support diverse marine life settlement Portuguese construction company Etermar - Engenharia e Construção, S.A produced 40-ton ‘blue’ tetrapods. These are the first ‘blue’ tetrapods in the world installed at the Port of Leixões. 

Etermar integrated ECOncrete’s admixture, micro texture complexity, and macro surface design seamlessly into their on-site concrete production process. ECOncrete’s technology elevates its coastal infrastructure projects’ potential in mainland Portugal and its Autonomous Regions 

August 2022
2019 and 2022 Brabant Innovation Days led to Holst Center Israel R&D Cooperation

2019 and 2022 Brabant Innovation Days led to Holst Center Israel R&D Cooperation

The 3rd and 4th Brabant Innovation days took place before and after COVID19. Both eventually led to signed agreements between Holst Center and IL companies: feasibility contracts were signed with: i) an Israeli high-tech company; ii) Orcasonics, a ultrasound imaging system Startup; discussions are ongoing with a medtech startup that develops an ultrasonic micro pump, for possible collaboration.

July 2022
VIP visit at Israeli hydrogen startups and scaleups

VIP visit at Israeli hydrogen startups and scaleups

Excellent Netherlands Israeli innovation and investment cooperation in the field of hydrogen as experienced during the visit of ⁦‪the NL ambassador to IL, Innovation Attache Israel and the NFIA team at ⁦‪⁦‪H2Pro, HYDROLITE and ⁦‪Electriq~Global. These Israeli startups and scale up all have great interest in setting up pilot projects and hydrogen facilities in the Netherlands. 

Visiting NL semicon companies to discuss NL IL cooperation

Visiting NL semicon companies to discuss NL IL cooperation

Successful meetings at ASML, Thermo Fisher Scientific (formerly FEI), K&S, ItoM and VDL ETG to discuss R&D cooperation between Dutch and Israeli semicon multi-nationals, SMEs and startups.

June 2022
2022 Brabant Health Innovation Summit

2022 Brabant Health Innovation Summit

Over 60 Israeli companies and researchers joined the 2022 Brabant Health Innovation Summit at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center. TNO, Holst Center, IMEC NL, RegMedXB, hDMT, SMBC, Sanara Ventures and TU/Eindhoven showed Brabant's regenerative medicine, 3D printed pharma, organ-on-chip, imaging and flexible electronics, all of which are technologies ready to be implemented in IL’s health care system (i.e., hospitals, Health Medical Organizations).

2022 Netherlands Virtual Care Study Trip to Israel

2022 Netherlands Virtual Care Study Trip to Israel

A senior Dutch health delegation, comprised of 35 experts from Dutch hospitals & long care institutions, elderly & home care, private healthcare organizations, handicapped care, digital health & innovation, investors, telecom companies, university hospitals, and patient associations, visited Israel. The mission, focused on digital health innovation, and visited IL’s health care system (i.e., university medical centers, hospitals, Philips healthcare, startup organizations and accelerators, health medical organizations).

May 2022
Israeli hydrogen mission to the Netherlands

Israeli hydrogen mission to the Netherlands

The Netherlands Innovation Network at the Netherlands Embassy in Israel and RVO co-organized an Israeli hydrogen delegation to the Netherlands 16-19 May 2022.  The mission, comprised of 30 delegates from Israeli ministries, multi nationals, SMEs, startups and academia, visited the Ports of Amsterdam, Groningen and Rotterdam, Shell, Hydrogen Refueling Station in Pesse, the Groningen hydrogen valley HEAVENN, Gasunie, RWE, VDL and the municipality of Groningen. The meetings led to many innovation and business opportunities.



March 2022
Dutch Hitech Mission from Eindhoven Region visiting Israel

Dutch Hitech Mission from Eindhoven Region visiting Israel

The Netherlands Embassy in Israel hosted the 1st Brabant Development Agency’s trade mission to Israel, headed by the Deputy of Economic Affairs Martijn van Gruijthuijsen from the Province of Noord Brabant, aimed at developing trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and innovation R&D cooperation in the fields of hi-tech (semicon, photonics, sensor technology). The uniqueness of this delegation was, among others, that it was the first delegation to Israel after the COVID19 pandemic and it was the last delegation to have visited Israel right before the pandemic. Innovation-related visits included Philips Healthcare and the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.


Phenome Networks (Israel) and KeyGene (The Netherlands) Introduce PhenoGene

Phenome Networks (Israel) and KeyGene (The Netherlands) Introduce PhenoGene

It took 5.5 years since Arjen van Tunen, the CEO of KeyGene, met Phenome Networks in person (August 2016), for a real joint cooperation to develop PhenoGene. First an MoU was signed.

PhenoGene, based upon an algorithm developed by KeyGene is now available as a novel module in the PhenomeOne software, as a decision support tool to optimize breeding strategies for any crop. The PhenoGene module enables breeders to design the ideal plant, the so-called ideotype, based on genetic trait information from multiple parents, and calculate the fastest and most efficient breeding schedule, to combine favorable traits from multiple parents into a single variety.


Dutch Israeli Innovation Networking Event Ready2(m)eat

Dutch Israeli Innovation Networking Event Ready2(m)eat

On the 31st of March 2022 Hans Docter (Netherlands Ambassador to Israel), Modi Efraim (Israeli Ambassador to the Netherlands), Michiel Sweers (DG Innovation & Enterprise, NL Min of Energy & Climate Change), Marc Hendrikse (Chairman HTSM Topsector) and 2 representatives of Israel’s governmental innovation ecosystem presented at the first Dutch Israeli networking in the post Corona period. We hosted around 60 people from the public and private sector, spoke about innovation policy, the complementary nature of Dutch and Israeli business culture, networked and enjoyed bites and drinks such as burger of Redefine Meat, 3D printed chocolate, grasshopper “meat” from De Krekerij, and soda of SodaStream International.

February 2022
Dutch Israel mini-symposium on Energy System Integration

Dutch Israel mini-symposium on Energy System Integration

The Netherlands Innovation Network at the Netherlands Embassy in Israel and the Technical University of Eindhoven co-hosted a mini-symposium on “Energy System Integration”. Leading NL and IL speakers from government, academia and industry presented i) organizational theory - “holarchy”- to describe and model (semi)independent energy systems; ii) regional power semi-autonomous grids; iii) use current natural gas infrastructure for hydrogen transport and develop larger hydrogen gas infrastructure; iv) creating decentralized clean energy systems; v) use power electronics as a crucial ingredient in the transition from uni-directional energy system towards a more interconnected, bidirectional, multi-carrier energy system; vi) ammonia and hydrogen based fuel cells and fuel cell/electrolyzer technology to act as standalone devices, powering micro- or pico-grids.


January 2022
Dutch Israeli mini symposium on AI & radiology

Dutch Israeli mini symposium on AI & radiology

The Netherlands Innovation Network at the Netherlands Embassy in Israel hosted a mini-symposium on “AI & Radiology” at which leading NL and IL speakers from Philips, NANOX.AI, VIZ.AI, Assuta, and university medical centra of Groningen and Radboud shared their cutting-edge AI technologies and high-quality datasets and discussed ways AI could augment the work of radiologists. Open Horizon Europe and Innovative Medicine Initiatives (IMI-JU) in the field of cancer could fund joint research projects.

December 2021
Dutch Israel Mini-Symposium on Dementia & AI

Dutch Israel Mini-Symposium on Dementia & AI

The Netherlands Innovation Network in Israel and the Joint Artificial Intelligence Network (JAIN) co-hosted a mini-symposium on “Dementia & AI” at which leading NL and IL speakers from the public and private sector shared their cutting-edge technologies and scientific breakthrough. Strengthening Dutch-Israeli collaboration will lead to the development of innovative technologies for dementia diagnosis and treatment to the broader public.

November 2021
Hydrogen session at Israeli Energy & Business Convention

Hydrogen session at Israeli Energy & Business Convention

Innovation Attache Israel organized and moderated a hydrogen panel at the Israel Energy & Business Convention with speakers from The Netherlands (Shell and Dutch Blockchain Coalition), Israel (ICL Group) and the USA. The session focused on hydrogen policy and regulation, on the hydrogen projects in the Netherlands and in Israel, and on tracing and guarantee of green hydrogen using blockchain technology. There are many cooperation opportunities in the hydrogen sector.


6th Israeli Dutch Innovation Center Advisory Board Meeting

6th Israeli Dutch Innovation Center Advisory Board Meeting

Innovation Attache Israel organized the 6th Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC) Board Member meeting in Israel on the 18th of November with Dutch and Israeli representatives from government, academia and private sector. Topics discussed for futher innovation cooperation between both countries include converting NL IL mini symposia into maxi symposia.

August 2021
Dutch Summer School on the Design and Planning of Hydrogen Valleys – Case Study Results

Dutch Summer School on the Design and Planning of Hydrogen Valleys – Case Study Results

20 Hydrogen Valleys (H2V) were planned and designed by the participants of the Summer School on H2Vs, based on the H2V report of Roland Berger, out of which 6 were presented to Patrick Cnubben, the architect of HEAVENN, and to the 100 participants of the Summer School co-organized by  Energy Delta Institute, the Netherlands Innovation Network in Israel and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Israel. The H2V were in Dubai, Israel, Morocco, Singapore, Spain and in Turkey.

Dutch Summer School on the Design and Planning of Hydrogen Valleys

Dutch Summer School on the Design and Planning of Hydrogen Valleys

10 distinguised speakers from the Netherlands, Belgium, Dubai, Germany, Israel and Morocco presented at the Summer School on the design and planning of hydrogen valleys (H2V), which took place 17-19 August. 130 participants from 33 countries, mainly from Israel and the Netherlands, almost a third of which were women, took active part at the course and learned about the hydrogen value chain, H2V concepts and examples in Northern Netherlands and in Morocco. The summer school was co-organized by the Energy Delta Institute and the Netherland Innovation Network Israel.

TNO@HOLST Centre and Israeli mini symposium on healthcare solutions for homecare

TNO@HOLST Centre and Israeli mini symposium on healthcare solutions for homecare

The Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC) hosted a mini-symposium on “Healthcare Solutions for Home Care”, bringing together some of the most innovative HealthTech players from the Netherlands and Israel. Six speakers representing TNO, BioBeat Technologies Ltd., Theranica and Sheba Medical Center shared their companies’ innovations and experiences in developing and implementing healthcare solutions for home care. The Netherlands and Israel are leading the world in health technologies. The mini-symposium showed how strengthening Dutch-Israeli collaboration will bring forward innovative healthcare technologies for disease prevention, monitoring/diagnosis, and therapy to the broader public.

July 2021
8 Dutch startups pitch for Israeli and Dutch Venture Capitalists to raise 0.5-2 M Euros/each

8 Dutch startups pitch for Israeli and Dutch Venture Capitalists to raise 0.5-2 M Euros/each

8 Dutch startups pitch for Israeli and Dutch Venture Capitalists to raise 0.5-2 M Euros/each

The Netherlands Innovation Network Israel and the Israeli Dutch Innovation Center at the NL embassy in IL organized a panel of five Dutch and Israeli venture capitalists and investors. Eight Dutch startups seeking a 0.5-2 million Euro investment, pitched their Fintech, Cybersecurity, Digital Health and other tech fields technology. HRH Prince Constantijn, Special Envoy TechLeap.NL, Dr. Yossi Vardi welcomed the startups and investors.

June 2021
Dutch and Israeli competence in integrated photonics presented at the Israeli Photonics Days

Dutch and Israeli competence in integrated photonics presented at the Israeli Photonics Days

Two Dutch companies, Photon First and DEMCON Advanced Mechatronics BV., took active part at the Integrated Photonics (IP) session at the Israeli photonics days (7-9 June 2021), together with three senior lecturers from Israel’s academia. IA Israel Netherlands Innovation network (NIN) co-organized this event and gave the opening words. This is a continuation of the ongoing efforts to further develop the R&D cooperation in the field.

VIP visit of the Netherlands ambassador to Israel to RCK Ltd., an Israeli cannabis company

VIP visit of the Netherlands ambassador to Israel to RCK Ltd., an Israeli cannabis company

The VIP visit of the NL ambassador to Israel to RCK Ltd., an Israeli cannabis company, which breeds tailor-made medical strains and repeatable & stable cannabis hybrid-seeds, will further strengthen and develop R&D and business cooperation between the company and the Netherlands. RCK recently signed a multi-million dollar deal with Holland’s SeedTech BV. Its agrotechnologies are non-GMO, and create stable hybrid seeds and unique cannabinoids.

Dutch Israeli mini symposium on desalination technology and electrolyzers to produce clean hydrogen

Dutch Israeli mini symposium on desalination technology and electrolyzers to produce clean hydrogen

IA Israel Netherlands Innovation network (NIN)/Israel organized a Dutch Israeli mini symposium on desalination technology and electrolyzers to produce clean hydrogen. Prof. van de Sanden, EIRES, Eindhoven University of Technology presented an overview of the role of R&D for the manufacturing industry of electrolyzer systems, followed by presentations on membrane development and Electro-Dialysis for desalination technology in the use of electrolyzers and on HBr flow batteries for electricity storage.

The YouTube Live video recording is available at

April 2021
Dutch Israeli Mini Symposium on Photonics

Dutch Israeli Mini Symposium on Photonics

IA Israel Netherlands Innovation network (NIN)/Israel organized a Dutch Israeli mini symposium on photonics. Photonics.NL, PhotonDelta and 3 Dutch SMEs (Smart photonics, PHIX, BrightPhotonics) presented the Dutch photonics R&D and infrastructure to the Israeli counterparts from the private and public sector (i.e., Israeli Center for Advanced Photonics, Nvidia and the Israel Innovation Authority). Current NL IL cooperation is funded through H2020 and ECSEL-JU projects and Horizon Europe funding is the source for future funding.

Dutch Israeli mini symposium on clean hydrogen production, solar energy and electrolyzers

Dutch Israeli mini symposium on clean hydrogen production, solar energy and electrolyzers

IA Israel Netherlands Innovation network (NIN)/Israel organized a Dutch Israeli mini symposium on hydrogen production, solar energy and electrolyzers. Prof. Ad van Wijk (TU Delft) presented an overview of the H2 sector, followed by company presentations on novel and innovative clean hydrogen production using solar energy, electrolyzer scaling up and decoupled water splitting. Lectures available at

March 2021
Dutch Israeli mini symposium of AI & Health and bilateral cooperation opportunities

Dutch Israeli mini symposium of AI & Health and bilateral cooperation opportunities

IA Israel organized a Dutch Israeli mini-symposium on Artificial Intelligence and health. Prof. Izik Ben Israel and Marloes Pomp presented IL's and NL's national agenda and the need for international cooperation. Dr. Chen Sagiv, CEO DeePathology and Prof. Wiro Niessen from Erasmus MC shared research results of AI in dementia and in the identification of pathogens; Uri Elyabyev, Dr. Jeroen Maas and Dr. Pieter van Gorp described the AI ecosystems in Israel, Eindhoven and Amsterdam, respectively. Dr. Racheli Kreisberg shared draft Horizon Europe calls for proposals which could fund bi- and multi-lateral cooperation. The latest trends and effect of covid19 and how scientists from both countries conduct research were discussed. 

Market scan of Israeli water sector and innovation cooperation opportunities

Market scan of Israeli water sector and innovation cooperation opportunities

IA Israel shared information on draft Horizon Europe calls for proposals in the field of water, under Cluster 6 Food Bioeconomy Natural Resources Agriculture and Environment, at a market scan of the IL water sector for NL innovative companies, organized by the embassy’s first secretary Water & Climate. The draft calls, shared at, can to enbale NL and IL public and private R&D institutions to develop bi- and multi-lateral cooperation.

February 2021
Fire chat between HRH Prince Constantijn and Yossi Vardi during CES2021 roadshow of Dutch startups to Israel

Fire chat between HRH Prince Constantijn and Yossi Vardi during CES2021 roadshow of Dutch startups to Israel

IA Israel co-organized with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Climate Policy another fire chat between HRH Prince Constantijn, special envoy TechLeap.NL, and Mr. Yossi Vardi, an Israeli serial entrepreneur and co-chairman of the DLD festival, as part of the virtual CES2021 roadshow of 33 Dutch startups to Israel, 6 of which pitched to Israeli investors. HRH focused on the attractiveness of Dutch startups for Israel investors and shared tips with the NL startups based on his familiarity of the Israeli investment ecosystem through previous events, such as his fire chat with Yossi Vardi during the DLD festival in September 2018.

Dutch startups in AI, cybersecurity, quantum technology pitch for Israeli investors

Dutch startups in AI, cybersecurity, quantum technology pitch for Israeli investors

IA Israel co-organized with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Climate Policy a pitching event for 6 Dutch startups in the field of AI, quantum technology, energy and cybersecurity. Pitches were made for 6 leading Israeli venture capitalists from VCs such as Qualcomm Ventures, Dell Technologies and M12 Micosoft Ventures. The pictching event was part of the the virtual CES2021 roadshow of 33 Dutch startups to Israel. Some of the Dutch startups were already contacted by Israeli investors and other Dutch startups are now starting to look for Israeli venture capital.

Dutch Israeli mini symposium of Hydrogen and Renewable Energy

Dutch Israeli mini symposium of Hydrogen and Renewable Energy

Innovation Attache Israel organized and moderated a Dutch Israeli mini symposium on hydrogen and clean energy aimed at sharing knowledge on i) two Dutch energy hubs: hydrogen valley in Groningen and BrigH2 at Brightlands Chemelot Campus;  ii) Israel’s academic fuel cell research cooperation; iii) 3 Israeli startups specializing in alkaline fuel cells, new electrochemical H fuels and in H production using electromagnetic waves; iv) the Hydrogen Act for Europe. 75 participants from industry, academia and government sector took part and followup meetings are planned.

Netherlands Innovation Network special on AI & Health - cooperation opportunities between the Netherlands and Israel

Netherlands Innovation Network special on AI & Health - cooperation opportunities between the Netherlands and Israel

Digital Health’s roots in Israel go back over 20 years to the revolution in biological sciences. It got a boost a decade later when Israel set up a national agenda on cybersecurity to protect critical infrastructure and data. Then a couple of years ago, Israel launched its national AI agenda, aiming to build on and match its cybersecurity success story in the AI domain.

January 2021

Presenting Dutch hydrogen policy, ecosystem, hubs and projects to the Israeli Hydrogen Forum

Innovation attache Israel took active part at a brain storming meeting of the Israeli Hydrogen Forum, organized by the Samuel Neaman Institute, Technion, which included representatives from the Israeli government, public and private sector. IA Israel presented the Hydrogen production, transportation and storage state-of-the-art in the Netherlands as well as four Dutch hydrogen hubs (Rotterdam, Groningen, Arnhem and Eindhoven) and possible modes for collaboration.

December 2020

NL-IL mini symposium on the Key Enabling Technologies quantum technologies and 5G

IA Israel organized a mini symposium on the Key Enabling Technologies quantum technologies and 5G with speakers from the Technical University of Eindhoven and QuSoft as well as speakers from Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Topics covered included the Quantum Delta Netherlands initiative, TU/e’s quantum key distribution testbed, key recycling protocols, and quantum readout of physical unclonable functions, topological quantum registers, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and the augmented security framework of an optical 6G fronthaul, Quantum technology with atoms. Relevant EC funding opportunities were shared.

November 2020

Israeli startup H2Pro was nominated by New Energy Challenge 2020 as best scaleup

More innovation coming from Israel in the field of hydrogen and renewable energy: H2Pro is one of the two finalists of the New Energy Challenge 2020 of the Dutch entities: Shell, YES!Delft and Rockstart, and recognized as best scaleup. H2Pro method of splitting water results in a high efficiency (95%), significantly lower CAPEX (half), much higher production pressure and unparalleled safety. H2Pro is considering further cooperation with the Netherlands.

5TH IDIC BOARD MEETING: developing Israeli Dutch innovation plans for 2021

IA Israel organized the 5th Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC) Board Member meeting in Israel on the 19th of November. Topics discussed for futher innovation cooperation between both countries include fintech, agri&food tech, energy transition, and Key Emerging Technologies, such as AI, quantum technology (QT).

Virtual missions in the fielf of QT and 5G, AI and digital health, energy transition and more will be co-organzied with the aim of sharing knowledge and developing R&D cooperation.

October 2020
Prins Constantijn, special envoy TechLeap.NL on Startups and the COVID19 response

Prins Constantijn, special envoy TechLeap.NL on Startups and the COVID19 response

Constantijn van Oranje, the Special Envoy for TechLeap.NL, took part at the Israeli DLD Conference at a 20-minute “fireside chat” with John Chambers, former CEO of Cisco, sharing experiences of Dutch startups response to COVID19 as well as European innovation hotspots to look out for. The DLD Festival usually attracts many Dutch participants who are interested in experiencing Israel - the Startup Nation.

Presentation of Netherlands Innovation Network at virtual BOM hi-tech delegation to Israel

Presentation of Netherlands Innovation Network at virtual BOM hi-tech delegation to Israel

A virtual mission of leading hi-tech companies from Noord Brabant explored Israel, a world leading technology hotspot and forerunners in AI, robotics, photonics, nanotechnology aimed at developing opportunities in the High-tech Systems & Materials sector. Besides a plenary session with keynotes from the Dutch embassy in Israel, KLA Tencor and Kurtz Marketing, the mission provided a matchmaking event in which 40 one-on-one meetings between Dutch and Israeli high-tech companies took place.

Smart Health Amsterdam (SHA) is one of the 10 final nominees at Innovision 2020

Smart Health Amsterdam (SHA) is one of the 10 final nominees at Innovision 2020

Smart Health Amsterdam (SHA) is one of the 10 final nominees at Innovision 2020 out of the 50 candidates. SHA is the network for data- and AI-driven innovation in Amsterdam’s life sciences and health sector. The Global InnoVision Ecosystem Awards are a celebration of innovative ecosystems around the world, annually showcasing achievements made and applied internationally, held digitally on October 13th within the DLD Tel Aviv 2020.


InsurTech Israel VirtualRoadShow to the Netherlands

InsurTech Israel VirtualRoadShow to the Netherlands

50 Dutch and Israeli people from the InsurTech sector, took active part at the InsurTech Israel VirtualRoadShow, a virtual event organized by the Dutch Association of Insurers. 13 Israeli InsurTech startup and scale-up companies presented their cutting-edge technology. This event will be followed up to further strengthen te R&D and business cooperation between Israel and the Netherlands in the field of InsurTech.

September 2020

Dutch Energy Delta Institute's Hydrogen course for Israeli government, industry and academia takes off

80 Israelis from the private sector, academia and the government, 30% of which are female, registered to the first 2-day Dutch hydrogen virtual course co-organized by the Energy Delta Institute (EDI), the Israeli Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC) and the Netherlands Innovation Network (NIN) in Israel (1-2 Sep 2020). On day 1 we will cover topics such as hydrogen and the energy transition, H2 production, transport, storage, hydrogen end-use in mobility, industry and the built environment, H2 refueling stations, green hydrogen economy, sector coupling, global hydrogen market. On day 2 we will focus on hydrogen in the Netherlands (national agenda, NL regional and intl cooperation), funding opportunities (H2020 Green Deal, FCH-JU), best practices in the NL (ligthouse projects, HyStock, H-vision, Hydrogen Valley), Israel's cybersecurity protection of industrial control systems (ICS). The course will be concluded with the future plans for bi- and multi-lateral cooperation (Green Deal H2020 calls), NL-IL hydrogen business and R&D forum.

July 2020

Active participation of Z-CERT (NL) at Cybercrime panel on the Cybersecurity in the healthcare sector conference (16th July 2020)

The Manager of the Dutch organization Z-CERT (Zorg Computer Emergency Response Team) took active part at the Cybercrime panel on the Cybersecurity in the healthcare sector conference (16th July). The conference, organized by CyberTech Israel, addressed hospitals, pharma, R&D and insurance companies and their new cyber challenges, i.e. telemedicine, IoT/Connected Devices, cybercrimes and  lessons learned so far from the COVID-19 outbreak.

April 2020
Dutch Technology Search Engine for corona solutions linked to IL companies and research organisations

Dutch Technology Search Engine for corona solutions linked to IL companies and research organisations

After broadcasting the Dutch AI-based Search Engine for COVID-19 solutions, the Findest platform has gained early traction into Israelian R&D driven organizations. The first users are already using IGOR^Cov-19 to search for technologies from millions of scientific publications to help combat the coronavirus. IA Israel was instrumental in matching Findest with Israeli startups, SMEs and research organizations. Findest will explore further collaboration with a few of the Israeli public and private organizations. This cooperation can be expanded in the future to cooperation in other technology fields.

Development of Coronavirus knowledge-base of international cooperation projects, companies and funding

The Innovation Attache (IA) at the Netherlands Embassy in Israel is part of the Netherlands Innovation Network. IA Israel has developed a knowledge base for (inter)national coronovairus R&D projects, a list of companies engaged in coronavirus R&D from Israel, Germany and Turkey, and a list of open and closed funding opportunities for COVID-19 R&D. The database is accessible at


March 2020

PortXL, the accelerator of the Port of Rotterdam, seeking cooperation with the Port of Ashdod

Port Company in order to expand its activities overseas. IA Israel organized PortXL’s first visit in Israel in January 2018 as part of the delegation from the Port and City of Rotterdam that took active part at the CyberTech conference on Marine cybersecurity. The Port of Ashdod is an excellent candidate for innovation cooperation as it offers major economic, environmental and societal challenges, such as the ecological footprint of the port, operational issues, safety and security, all of which the Port of Rotterdam deals with.

February 2020

2020 Mobility & Robotics and 3D printed Food & Pharma Summits

Over 150 Israeli and Dutch companies and researchers joined the 2020 Mobility & Robotics and 3D printed Food & Pharma Summits ( and Together with the Province of Noord Braban,t we showed Brabant's high-tech science and technology (flexible electronics, 3D printing, photonics and more) which will help address global challenges in smart mobility, food and health. Sigrid Kaag, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Martijn van Gruijthuijsen, Vice Governor for Economy, Knowledge and Talent Development, and Michiel Sweers, Deputy Director General Enterprise and Innovation at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, took active part at the conference.

Visit of NL Ministry of Economy and Climate Policy at SparkBeyond

Michiel Sweers and the Brabant delegation, led by Martijn van Gruijthuijsen, visited SparkBeyond, a leading Israeli startup company which developed an “Ideation Machine”. This hypothesis algorithm is used in the business sector in areas from advanced cancer research to fighting human trafficking, all while generating over $1 billion across 20+ industries with Fortune 500 and Global 1,000 companies. The Netherlands is showing interest in developing R&D cooperation with SparkBeyond and following meetings of the company in the Netherlands are planned.

Signing of MoU between TU Eindhoven and Technion to boost photonics, quantum and nano research

The highlight of the visit of Minister Kaag at the Technion was the signing of the MoU between the Technical University of Eindhoven and the Technion which is aimed at deepening the R&D cooperation in the fields of photonics, nanotechnology and Quantum Technology (QT). This MoU is in addition to the EuroTech agreement that was signed Jan 2019 and will be followed by signing an EC agreement to foster exchange of personnel between the Technion and the 4 Dutch Technical Universities and photonics, nano and QT hubs.

Presenting NL Quantum Technology Agenda at Hitech Ambassadors Conference

IA Israel presented the newly published Dutch National Quantum Technology Agenda at the Hitech Ambassadors Conference that took place in Israel on the 20th of February. The Netherlands was also represented by Fred de Leeuw, a Dutch entrepreneur and investor. There are bilateral cooperation opportunities between the Dutch academic centra, i.e., QuTech from TU delft, QuSoft from Uni of Amsterdam, Quant from Uni. Twente and QT/e from Eindhoven. R&D fields include Quantum computers, Secure Quantum internet networks, Quantum keys for cryptography, Quantum sensors and quantum simulators.

VIP visit of Hans Docter, Dutch Ambassador to Israel at Applied Materials and Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovoth

Excellent meetings of Hans Docter, NL Ambassador to Israel both at Applied Materials Israel, to further deepening and expanding R&D cooperation with Dutch MNEs, as well as at the Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS). At WIS, the ambassador met with Prof. Alon Chen, WIS' president, with Prof. Benny Geiger who cooperates extensively with the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) and with Dutch PhD students that are carrying out their research at WIS.

January 2020

4th IDIC board meeting: energy transition session

IA Israel and Israeli Smart Energy Association organized the energy transition session of the 4th Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC) Board Member meeting in Israel on the 7th of January. There is keen interest to cooperate through joint academic research projects, scouting for technology, learning from governmental bodies and policy makers and the Israeli private sector is looking for Dutch partners for an energy transition innovation hub.


4th IDIC board meeting: Ongoing and new cooperation water projects between the Netherlands and Israel

IA Israel and the First Secretary Water at the Netherlands Embassy in Israel organized the 4th IDIC advisory board meeting on water technology (water & energy, precision agriculture and circular economy). Both countries are interested to deepen ongoing cooperation in fields such as innovative drip irrigation solutions to Dutch open fields facing climate change, joint activities with WaterCampus Leeuwarden and a future Wetskills Challenge with the Technion. The upcoming visit of a high-level Dutch water delegation to Israel will follow-up.

Dutch banks scouting for Israeli FinTech: a first signed deal

IA Israel and Startupbootcamp (SBC) have been scouting for the last few years for cybersecurity and fintech technology for SBC's partners, among others for the Rabobank. In this aspect, an agreement has been signed with an Israeli Startup that develops risk management tooling.

Panel on innovation ecosystem building by Israeli Dutch Innovation Center

IA Israel took active part at a panel on innovation ecosystem building as part of a course for Israeli innovation managers. The panel was led by the CTO, Innogy Innovation Center Ltd, Boaz Kantor, and together with Sagiv Lustig, open innovation manager of L'Oréal. We defined the work of internal and external scouters; the characteristics of a scouter and the unique scouting methodology developed at the Israeli Dutch Innovation Center, Innogy and L'Oréal.

December 2019

The Israeli Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC) has now 40% female advisory board members

IA Israel and the Netherlands embassy in Israel established the Israeli Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC) in 2016. The Center aims at developing and strengthening the R&D cooperation between Dutch companies, research organisations and government entities and their Israeli counterparts. IDIC has an advisory board that meets annually. Five new members joined, 4 of which are female: Onno Huiskamp - Technology and International Cooperation, Provincie Noord-Brabant, Daniela Kandel - Innovation Bridges Director, Start-Up Nation Central, Dr. Michal Levy - Senior Deputy Director-General of Agricultural Innovation at the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Chen Sagiv - CEO and CoFounder SagivTech and Nili Shalev - managing director ISERDIsrael Innovation Authority

Strengthening R&D cooperation between Bar Ilan University and the Netherlands

IA Israel presented the R&D cooperation between the Netherlands and Bar Ilan University (BIU) at the diplomatic attaché conference on the 17th of December which was opened by Prof. Arie Zaban, president of BIU. EU funding (H2020, JTI, Erasmus+) is the major financing mechanism for R&D cooperation between BIU and The Netherlands. EuroAgeism is an example of such cooperation: an Marie Curie H2020 project coordinated by BIU with Fontys University of Applied Science  as one of the consortium partners.

H2020 Cooperation between Bar Ilan University and the Netherlands

IA Israel presented the R&D cooperation between the Netherlands and Bar Ilan University (BIU) at the diplomatic attaché conference on the 17th of December which was opened by Prof. Arie Zaban, president of BIU. EU funding (H2020, JTI, Erasmus+) is the major financing mechanism for R&D cooperation between BIU and The Netherlands. EuroAgeism is an example of such cooperation: an Marie Curie H2020 project coordinated by BIU with Fontys University of Applied Science  as one of the consortium partners.

November 2019

4th Board Meeting of Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

IA and the NL embassy in Israel organized the 4th Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC) Board Member in Israel on the 11th of Nov. The Ambassador moderated a working dinner with the IDIC board members and several Dutch and Israeli innovation experts (i.e., the Agricultural Counsellor (Landbouwraad) for Turkey, Israel & the Palestinian Territories, the Director of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs). The meeting will be followed up by an expert meeting in January 2020.

October 2019

Israeli startups take part at Global Artificial Intelligence Summit - World Summit AI Amsterdam

Israeli startups (, UVeye, Seebo) took part at the Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) summit in Amsterdam 9-10 October 2019. IA Israel visited the conference last year and made contacts with the organizers to further develop the active participation of Israeli AI companies at the conference. AI serves as one of the innovation opportunities between The Netherlands and Israel in general, and specifically in smart mobility, autonomous driving, cyber security and digital health.

September 2019

TechLeap.NL recognizes Israel's Startup Nation Central as a global innovation ecosystem leader

TechLeap.NL, the Netherlands, the successor of StartupDelta, headed by the special envoy Prins Constantijn, aims at turning the Netherlands into "a unicorn nation”. This is achieved, among others, by learning from other countries. This month TechLeap.NL focuses on Startup Nation Central (SNC), which connects companies and countries to the people and technologies in Israel. IA Israel has introduced SNC to StartupDelta on multiple occasions, including during the visit of Prins Constantijn to Israel in June 2017.

NL Multinational food companies take part at Agrivest and FoodTech IL, Sep 2019

Dutch Multi National Enterprises, such as Danone, Unilever, DSM, and StartLife (WUR), Rabobank and OostNL participated at the Israeli FoodTech IL and AgriVest 2019 conferences, organized among others by Startup Nation Central (SNC) and Greensoil. The participation of Dutch companies at FoodTech and AgriVest has been actively on the agenda of IA Israel and the Board of the Israeli Dutch Innovation Center (i.e., SNC, Greensoil and WUR). Further cooperation between The Netherlands and Israel in the agri-food sector is anticipated.

visit of Study Tour 2019 ‘Odyssey’, VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’, faculty of Aerospace Engineering of technical University of Delft to the Technion, Haifa

IA Israel organized a visit for Study Tour 2019 ‘Odyssey’, VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’, the study association of the faculty of Aerospace Engineering of technical University of Delft to the Technion, Haifa. The aim of the Dutch students was to connect with the Israeli industry in the field of aerospace. This last visit of VSV Leonardo da Vinci to Israel took place in 35 years ago, in 1984. New contacts have been made and prospects for cooperation are envisioned.

June 2019
LSH: A delegation of 18 PhD students from Radboud University Nijmegen and Radboud University Medical Hospital visited Israel's academia and innovation ecosystem

LSH: A delegation of 18 PhD students from Radboud University Nijmegen and Radboud University Medical Hospital visited Israel's academia and innovation ecosystem

Innovation Attache Israel co-organized with Radboud University Nijmegen, Radboud University Medical Hospital and Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour a program for 18 persons e.g. 8 researchers, 8 PhD’s and 2 TTO employees in different disciplines, such as from behavioral sciences, language and communication, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Bioinformatics, Data Science and Molecular Developmental Biology, Medical Neuroscience, as well as the Business developer at Radboud Innovation and the operational manager of Radboud Research Facilities.

The group met with researchers and students at Ben Gurion University of the Negev, start-ups at CyberSpark, Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS), Yeda Research and Development Company Ltd. (the Tech-transfer company of WIS), Tel Aviv University, The Technion Israeli Institute of Technology, Rambam Medical Center Haifa, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

The foundations were laid to develop joint R&D projects and to conduct student exchange programmes.

TNO visits Israel with focus on AI and digital health

TNO visits Israel with focus on AI and digital health

IA Israel co-organized with Niels Schouten, senior manager, office of the Executive Board of TNO, a senior delegation of TNO to visit Israel's innovation ecosystem on the 23-25 June 2019. The objective was to develop R&D cooperation in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a special focus on health. The delegation met with the chairman and senior staff of the Israel innovation authority, the ministry of health, the CEO of Startup Nation Central (SNC), Maccabi Healthcare Health Medical Organization, the CEO of Tel Aviv Medical Center (TLVMC), the SME Sparkbeyond and the Technion. All meetings will be followed-up.IA Israel co-organized with Niels Schouten, senior manager, office of the Executive Board of TNO, a senior delegation of TNO to visit Israel's innovation ecosystem on the 23-25 June 2019. The objective was to develop R&D cooperation in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a special focus on health. The delegation met with the chairman and senior staff of the Israel innovation authority, the ministry of health, the CEO of Startup Nation Central (SNC), Maccabi Healthcare Health Medical Organization, the CEO of Tel Aviv Medical Center (TLVMC), the SME Sparkbeyond and the Technion. All meetings will be followed-up.

Networking dinner at Ambasador's residence with focus in AI, digital health and cybersecurity

IA Israel organized a networking dinner at the residence of the Netherlands Ambassador to Israel, HE Gilles Beschoor Plug, as part of the visit of the CEO and Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) of TNO to Israel 23-25 June 2019. Attendees included policy officer for innovation of the Dutch Ministry of Economy; Dutch cybersecurity delegates to CyberWeek 2019 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Cyber Security Center; IBM Vice President and Director of the IBM Research Lab in Haifa; Research Director of the Israeli branch of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence; Head Technion-Intel Center for Artificial Intelligence, the president of Philips Israel and a representative of the Israel Innovation Authority.

Meeting between Prof. Ben Israel, Chairman CyberWeek 2019, and Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Justice and Security

IA Israel co-organized a meeting between Major Gen. (Ret.) Prof. Isaac Ben-Israel, Director of the ICRC - Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center and Chairman of CyberWeek 2019, and with Timo Koster, Ambassador-at-Large, Security Policy & Cyber, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Vincent Slieker, Advisor Cyber Security, Ministry of Justice and Security, National Cyber Security Center. The meeting focused on the engagement of Israel in international fora in the field of cybersecurity and on artificial intelligence training programs.

Prof. Bino from WUR, Wageningen presented the Netherlands agri-food excellence at FoodTech, Tel Hai, North Israel at

Prof. Raoul Bino from WUR presented a lecture on “Scaling up the food innovation program at Wageningen University & Research: a combination of science, innovation and business” at the “FoodTech starts at Tel Hai” conference that took place on the 27th of June in the North of Israel.  Israel’s Initaitive 2020 (ii2020), led by Dr. Erel Margalit, CEO Jeruslem Venture Partners (JVP) aims at setting up a FoodTech accelerator in Kiryat Shmona. WUR, an excellent partner for such an initiative, is in discussion with Israeli partners from public and private sector, including those that recently won the tender to establish a Food accelerator in the region.


May 2019
LSH: Visit at Philips Israel which develops diagnostic imaging and healthcare informatics solutions

LSH: Visit at Philips Israel which develops diagnostic imaging and healthcare informatics solutions

The Netherlands Ambassador to Israel, the head of the economic cluster and IA Israel visited Philips Israel in Haifa. The meeting focused on Philips Healthcare global health business (disgnosis and treatment, connected care and personal health) in general, and specifically on Philips R&D activities in Israel. Its 1,200 employees in Israel are developing revolutionary medical equipment for Diagnostic Imaging and Healthcare Informatics solutions for Radiology, Oncology and Cardiology. Latest acquisitions in the area of interventional guided therapy sets a new area of focus for Philips in Israel. In the future, AI will be used to analyze big and highly curated datasets, aimed at improving the lives of 3 billion humans a year by 2030. 

HTSM: Dutch Banks and Inurance Companies Scouting Israeli FinTech and Cybersecurity Startups and Scaleups

Startupbootcamp (SBC) (Netherlands) and Innovation Attache Israel from the Holland Innovation Network and from the Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC), co-organized a delegation of Dutch banks and insurance companies to scout for Israeli FinTech and CyberSecurity startups and scale-ups for their SBC Fintech & Cybersecurity program in Amsterdam which launches in November 2019. The delegation visited The Floor (TF) and The Floor Cyber (TFC), Citi Accelerator TLV and StartupNationCentral (SNC). We also hosted a panel with with one Israeli angel and four Israeli VCs who work in this space, moderated by Elizabeth Kleinveld from SBC.

"FinTech & Cybersecurity in Israel" - opportunities for the Netherlands

"FinTech & Cybersecurity in Israel", a report written by Sivan Ben Hamo, Netherlands Embassy in Israel

Innovation Attaché Racheli Kreisberg, PhD MBA of the Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center (hashtag#IDIC) ( of the Netherlands Embassy in Israel and hashtag#Startupbootcamp (SBC) co-organized on the 22nd of May 2019 a delegation of Dutch banks, pension processors and insurance companies to scout for Israeli hashtag#FinTech and hashtag#CyberSecurity technology at startups and scale-ups for their SBC FinTech & Cybersecurity program in Amsterdam which launches in November 2019. The delegation visited The Floor, Citi Accelerator TLV and Start-Up Nation Central (SNC). In addition, a panel with five Israeli Venture Capitalists (VC) who work in this space took place.

April 2019

Developments in photonics and electrooptics

Dr. Oded Raz from TU/e gave an invited talk at the Optical Engineering and Science in Israel (OASIS) 2019 conference on electrooptics and photonics, 1-2 April 2019. His talk focused on optical interconnects which are short optical links used for interconnecting various types of computer systems, a technology used in data centers, server farms and consumer electronics and for 5G; cooperation with the Israeli industrial and academic photonics community is pursued.

HTSM: kickoff meeting of the MADEin4 ECSEL-JU consortium

IA Israel co-organized the kickoff meeting of the MADEin4 ECSEL-JU consortium, a 60 Milion Euro EU funded project focusing on metrology advances for digitized Engineering, construction, and services (ECS) industry 4.0 and involving 7 Netherlands organisations and partners from Israel and 8 other countries (i.e., Germany, France, Belgium). Dutch partners include TNO, TU/e, TUD, Thermo Fisher (formerly FEI), Prodrive, OKO and Nearfield Instruments. The conosrtium implements metrology in the automotive sector.The active participation of women in the consortium was marked at the consortium dinner in the presence of the Netherlands Ambassador to Israel, HE Gilles Beschoor Plug. 

HTSM: IDIC second brokerage event as part of MADEin4 ECSEL-JU consortium

Innovation Attache Israel and the Israeli Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC) of the NL Embassy in Tel Aviv organized the 2nd mini innovation day of the recently funded MADEin4 ECSEL-JU project. The brokerage event hosted speakers from the Israel Innovation Authority, ST-Up Accelerator of  STMicroelectronics and Amazon Web Services. The 1st IDIC brokerage event, that took place in April 2017, contributed to the formation of the MADEin4 conosrtium and the 2nd IDIC brokerage event is expected to lead to similar results.

March 2019

MADEin4, an ECSEL-JU project with Dutch and Israel partners, received ~60 M€ funding

MADEin4, an ECSEL-JU (Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership - Joint Undertaking) project, received ~60 M€ funding. It is coordinated by an Israeli semiconductor MNE, Applied Materials (AM), which has a long standing cooperation with NL MNEs, such as ASML, FEI, Philips and applied research organizations such as TNO, Holst Center and IMEC. AM is also a partner in the ASML-coordinated PIN3S ECSEL-JU project. IA Israel is engaged in MADEin4 kickoff meeting planned in Israel in April 2019.


HTSM: 2nd Brabant Innovation Day in Israel

Brabant Innovation Days in Israel have become a tradition, coorganized by IA Israel and the Province of Noord Brabant. On the 31st of March 2019, the second innovation day took place with over 100 participants from the Israeli hitech industry. Presentations of Holst Center, AMSytems and TU/Eindhoven covered flexible electronics, 3D Printed Electronics, quality control for Additive Manufacturing and Integrated photonics.


February 2019
Participation of Philips healthcare, NL, at Hitech Ambassadors' conference mobile health panel

Participation of Philips healthcare, NL, at Hitech Ambassadors' conference mobile health panel

The 10th Hitech Ambassadors’ conference took place on the 12th of February in tel Aviv in the presence of the Netherands Ambassador to Israel and Mr. Gil Adato, VP, Head of New Business Developments & Connected Value Propositions (Digital Health) at Philips (Amsterdam, NL). The Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC) was one of the events’ sponsors and IA Israel created an opportunity to further develop the strategic cooperation between Philips Healthcare and the Israeli mobile health ecosystem.

Three Israeli companies were selected for PortXL, the Accelerator of the Port of Rotterdam

Three Israeli companies selected for Acceleration in Rotterdam

PortXL is the World’s 1st Port & Maritime Accelerator and each year since 2015 they select a few companies (from a starting pool of 1000+), together with an extensive industry network, for an intense 3 months long acceleration program. For the 2019 edition, out of the 21 selected companies on the 19th of February, there are 3 with ties to Israel!
* Eco Wave Power – From Israel’s greenest city comes a solution to increase the clean energy output, utilizing the power of the waves! Their wave energy convertor is an award-winning, inexpensive technology that could turn the tide on the energy sector’s current views.
* Flower Turbines – Headed by Dr. Daniel Farb, who holds double Israeli-US citizenship and has been living in Israel for a decade, Flower Turbines is developing a “wind turbine that you want to live next
to”, less noisy, compact and wildlife-friendly, this turbine could blow away the current main downsides of clean wind power and increase the world’s green energy output!
* Shipin Systems – Founded by two Israelis in the USA, an ex-IDF Naval Officer and a Tech Wizard, Shipin Systems aims to be the digital bridge between shore and the ships at sea, delivering reliable and accurate information for fleet operations, giving shipowners full visibility of what is happening on their vessels

in 2018, PortXL program also saw ECOncrete take part, an Israeli company that provides a suite of high performance environmentally sensitive concrete solutions that enhance the biological and ecological value of urban, coastal, and marine infrastructure while increasing their strength and durability - basically concrete that allows marine life to grow on it! It's a green solution to a concrete problem that is becoming more and more popular across the globe. 


PortXL ( visited Israel during CyberTech 2018 as part of an effort of the Innovation Attache at the Netherlands Embassy in Israel to interest the Port of Rotterdam, the largest Seaport in Europe and the 9th largest Port in the world, in Israel's cybersecurity technology. This interaction enhanced the cooperation between PortXL and Israel's innovation ecosystem.

Three Israeli companies selected for Acceleration at PortXL, Rotterdam

PortXL, the World’s 1st Port & Maritime Accelerator, selected 21 companies for the 2019 edition, 3 of which have ties with Israel: Eco Wave Power uses the power of waves to create an energy convertor; Flower Turbines develops an environment-friendly turbine; Shipin Systems developed a digital bridge between shore and the ships at sea. IA Israel hosted PortXL during CyberTech2018 in Tel Aviv which enhanced the cooperation between PortXL and Israel's innovation ecosystem.

January 2019

The Netherlands: Rafael Ltd. presents Drone Dome at TUS-EXPO, Rotterdam

IA Israel facilitated the participation of the Israeli company Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. at TUS-EXPO which took place 18-19 of January in Rotterdam. The company presented Drone Dome – an end-to-end C-UAS system to detect, identify and neutralize drones and other UAV.


November 2018

HTSM: Technion, Haifa, joins EuroTech University Alliance, opening bilateral cooperation opportunities in the field of photonics

EuroTech Universities Alliance, whose members include TU/e, will be gaining a new member as of January 1st 2019: Technion, Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa. This can serve as an opportunity for collaboration in the field of photonics as well as accommodating Technion’s startups in Eindhoven to make use of its cutting edge’s research facilities. Israeli IAs have been working on this initiative for over four years in close cooperation with the BOM, TU/e and Province Noord Brabant.

HTSM: Netherlands delegation at UVID Unmanned Vehicles Conference, November 2018

Representatives from the Dutch J-ISTARC (Joint Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reconnaissance Commando) and the Dutch Embassy took part in the UVID conference in Israel. This yearly held conference has a focus on unmanned vehicles in air, sea, and land for both military as commercial usage. Israel is one of the leading countries in this field, which makes it interesting for IA Israel to develop bilateral innovative technological projects.

Cybersecurity: Netherlands delegation at HLS&CYBER conference

Over a dozen delegates from Dutch companies took part at the HLS&CYBER conference in Tel Aviv. The conference was organized by the Israeli Export Institute aiming at developing business cooperation between the hundreds of Israeli cybersecurity startups and foreign companies, such as Dutch banks, datacenters, cyber defense and security companies. The delegates joined a networking event hosted at the residence of the Netherlands Ambassador to Israel.

HTSM, Agri&Food, LSH, CyberSecurity: Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC) 3rd Board Meeting

IA and the NL embassy in Israel organized the 3rd Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC) Advisory Board Meeting in Israel on 26-27 of Nov. On the 26th the Ambassador moderated a working dinner with the IDIC advisory board members and several Dutch innovation experts from Min EZK and Netherlands Enterprise Agency. On the 27th over 50 experts from academia, industry and government took part at 5 sessions: HTSM, Life Science & Health, agri&food, cybersecurity and a strategy session aimed at discussing IA’s planned activities for 2019. The IDIC meeting was concluded by a wrap event at the Ambassador’s residence.

LSH: Rambam Medical Center, Haifa and Netherlands cooperation opportunities in biomedicine

IA Israel and the Netherlands Ambassador to Israel visited Rambam Medical Center (RMC) on the occasion of its 80th anniversary. In addition to the tulip planting ceremony, bilateral R&D cooperation was discussed with the innovation managers of Rambam. Special focus was put on cardiovascular, regenerative medicine and electronic patient records. Opportunities for Dutch life science startups at RMC’s accelerator were discussed as well as Dutch telemedicine expertise for RMC underground emergency hospital, the largest in the world of its kind.

October 2018

HTSM: photonics visiting researcher from Bar Ilan University, Israel, at TU/Eindhoven

Following the last 2.5 years of IA work in the field of photonics in cooperation with Prof. Ton Backx and Associate Prof. Oded Raz from TU/e, Prof. Zeev Zalevski from Bar Ilan University (BIU), will become a visiting researcher at TU/e in 2019. This academic cooperation between BIU and TU/e will be funded by NWO and will further develop the R&D cooperation in the field of secure and low energy optical communications.

September 2018

LegalTech opportunities

IA Israel assisted the visit of Israel's leading Legal Tech platform "Tech&Law" to the Netherlands to explore the Netherlands Legal Tech ecosystem, including meetings with CEOs of Clocktomizer, LegalThings, Weagree and JuriBlox, as well as university researchers revolutionizing the way future lawyers will be engaged in trade. The visit will be followed-up by a B2B meeting in Israel of Israeli and Dutch LegalTech companies and law firms.

Visit of NRGene in the Netherlands

IA Israel contributed to the organization NRGene’s visit to the Netherlands 12-14 September. NRGene is a leading Israeli genomics big-data solution provider that implements a unique algorithm employed in genome assembly, pan-genomic analysis and cloud based-breeding systems. The aim of the NRGene’s mission to the Netherlands was to further develop the company’s cooperation with Dutch Ag-bio companies and to present its technology at WUR.

July 2018

Cooperation of Israeli FoodTech Hub with the Netherlands

The Netherlands Ambassador to Israel, HE Gilles Beschoor-Plug and IA Israel took active part at the ii2020 event aimed at kickoff one of Israel’s 7 new innovation hubs located in the periphery, namely the FoodTech Hub. This Hub is an excellent opportunity for WUR, its incubator StartLife and the Dutch Food Valley’s MNEs to cooperate with Israeli researchers, to exchange PostDocs, to attract Israeli entrepreneurs to StartLife and Israeli startups to carry out pilots at the Dutch MNEs.

June 2018

Delegation of the Dutch Ministry of Health to Israel

A delegation of 25 young policy makers from the Dutch Ministry of Health (VWS) visited Israel to learn about its health system and key players. IA Israel organized meetings with the Israeli Ministry of Health to discuss Digital Health, two leading Israeli hospitals in the Tel Aviv metropolitan and one of the Health Medical Organizations (HMOs), as well as meetings at the NL embassy in Israel with IA and with an Israeli AI medical startup.

HTSM delegation form Noord Brabant to Israel

A delegation of Dutch HTSM companies from Noord Brabant together with Bert Pauli and Richard l’Ami from the Province of Noord Brabant visited Israel to do business with Israeli companies and startups. IA Israel organized a meeting with Israeli government to discuss the “innovation triangles” initiatives of IA aimed at linking Dutch companies with Israeli startups through a new cooperation mechanism.

Israeli Startup CelloPhotonics attends World Technology Mapping in the Netherlands

IA Israel was instrumental in organizing a speaking engagement for the Israel startup CelloPhotonics at the World Technology Mapping Forum (WTMF) conference, 20-22 June 2018, Enschede. WTMF’s ambition is to set the foundations for the photonics industry for the next 25 years. Israel is an important partner in this Dutch initiative, led by prof. Ton Backx, TU/e.

May 2018

Visit of Dutch Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality at AgriVest and AgriTech

Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Deputy Prime Minister, Ms. Schouten, and President of the Wageningen University & Research Executive Board, attended AgriTech and AgriVest 2018, the largest Agri&food conferences in Israel. A large delegation of companies, investors and entrepreneurs joined the Minister. A networking reception with the mission delegates and Israelis from the Private and Public sector took place at the residence of the Netherlands Ambassador to Israel. Follow-up visits and strengthening of the R&D cooperation are foreseen.

Dutch FinTech and InsurTech Mission to Israel

Following a successful mission of StartupBootCamp (SBC) in Israeli last July, IA and SBC organized a mission of Dutch banks and insurance companies with the objectives to scout for Israeli FinTech and InsurTech technology as well as for startups for SBC’s FinTech accelerator (in Sep 2017 an Israeli startup was selected for the accelerator program). In addition, the mission visited the Israeli Financial CERT (Cyber Event Readiness Team). Follow up includes a possible visit of Israeli Fintech and InsurTech startups and innovation hubs and Financial CERT in the Netherlands.

March 2018

Israeli delegation at InterTraffic Amsterdam

A delegation of 40 Israeli companies, NGOs and municipalities attended InterTraffic Amsterdam 20-23 March 2018. They were welcomed by Connekt, a Dutch network for smart, sustainable and social mobility. The head of the delegation, Pini Cabessa, met with Special Startup Envoy, HE Prince Constantijn. The Israeli delegation was impressed by the plethora of modes of transportation in the City of Amsterdam.

February 2018

MoU between KNCV and ICS and delegation of Prof. Ben Feringa, Noble prize Laureate to Israel

The Royal Dutch Chemical Society (KNCV) and the Israel Chemical Society (ICS) signed an MoU at the 83rd Annual conference of the ICS. There was a large delegation from the Netherlands, including Prof. Ben Feringa, 2016 Chemistry Nobel prize winner, 10 Dutch Professors and 20 Dutch students. This initiative is a direct result of the participation of IA Israel at the Chemistry Conference during the Najaarsbezoek of the Innovation Attachés in 2016.

Two Israeli maritime startups were accepted to the PortXL Accelerator in Rotterdam

Two Israeli startups DockTech and ECOncrete were accepted to PortXL's accelerator in Rotterdam. Dock Tech is a water depth analysis platform optimizing waterways maintenance and improving their safety. ECOncrete has developed innovative concrete products designed to enhance the biological and ecological value of coastal and marine infrastructure maintenance. Their acceptance came as a direct result of the delegation from the City and Port of Rotterdam during CyberTech 2018, which IA Israel organized along with Innovation Quarter.

January 2018

TAPES3 project involving Dutch and Israeli semiconductor companies is funded by ECSEL-JU

TAPES3, a large-scale pilot Innovation Actions (IA) project focusing on 3nm technology node exploration for nanoelectronics manufacturing, involving leading Dutch and Israeli companies, such as ASML, FEI, Applied Materials and NOVA, will be funded by ECSEL-JU (Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership - Joint Undertaking). The project was discussed and promoted during the ECSEL brokerage event IA Israel organized as part of the Israel Innovation week in April 2017.

Delegation of the Port and the City of Rotterdam to Israel to attend CyberTech 2018

IA Israel co-organized, together with InnovationQuarter, a delegation from the City and the Port of Rotterdam to Israel. The mission was led by the deputy mayor Maarten Struijvenberg and included the Port of Rotterdam, Cambridge Innovation Center, several private companies and investors. Meetings took place with the Israeli Port Authority, the Israel Innovation Authority, StartupNationCentral, theDOCK, the Ports of Haifa and Ashdod, and Sanara Ventures.

January 2015

Jerusalem Venture Partners (JVP) celebrating 25 years of activity including cybersecurity activity in the Netherlands

IA Israel took part at the celebration of Jerusalem Venture Partners (JVP) event marking 25 years of activities in the field of cybersecurity and development of the Israeli periphery. JVP visited the Netherlands several times in 2019 to facilitate the cooperation between Hague Security Delta (HSD) and JVP’s recently funded cyber accelerator in New York which could lead to trilateral cooperation in the field of cybersecurity. 

Following up Netherlands 2020 mobility & robotics and 3D printed food & pharma summits

The Israeli Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC) co-organized the 2020 mobility and robotics summit which took place at the Dan Accadia hotel in the presence of 150 Israeli researchers and companies. The summit showcased science and technology developed by AMSystems, Holst Center, TNO, Technical University of Eindhoven, Solliance and Upprinting Food.

IDIC ( is part of the Netherlands Embassy in Israel and aims at developing bilateral R&D cooperation between the Netherlands and Israel. IDIC is part of the Netherlands Innovation Network of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Change.

To interact with the Dutch organizations that presented their technology, please contact me at racheli at

Get in touch

  • Embassy of the Netherlands in Israel, Economic Department

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607
