Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

#170 Looking for Israeli candidates for New Energy Challenge 2022 of Shell, Rockstart, Unknown Group, and YES!Delft, the Netherlands

  • Industry Energy
  • Online since 2022-04-10

The New Energy Challenge (NEC) 2022 is a Netherlands-based initiative that invites companies pioneering novel approaches to removing carbon from the atmosphere (e.g., through digital and nature-based solutions) and who want to drive forward the rapid decarbonisation needed to cool our warming planet.   Jointly organized by Rockstart, Shell, Unknown Group and YES!Delft, the NEC is open to European and Israeli start-ups and scale-ups. The winning companies will be given the opportunity to connect with investors and experts, unlocking the knowledge, contacts, funding, and support needed to scale their business and help them to drive change in the energy system. 

Looking for Israeli candidates for New Energy Challenge 2022 of Shell, Rockstart, Unknown Group, and YES!Delft, the Netherlands

In this year’s seventh edition, the NEC will search for start-ups and scale-ups that are developing emerging technologies and digital solutions in the fields of carbon capture, storage, and utilisation.  

At a critical time for the energy transition, NEC’s mission to support young, innovative companies is more important than ever. In the coming decade, the world will need an increasing amount of energy to meet the growing demand that is required to ensure a high quality of life for people around the world. However, finding ways to make our societies and energy systems not just carbon-neutral but also “carbon-useful”, has become increasingly important in the energy sector in the fight against climate change. Start-ups and scale-ups have, and will continue to have, a vital role in developing carbon-useful solutions for the energy system of the future.  

More information about the initiative, including the criteria for participants, can be found on:  

Go to website

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  • Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center
    Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Israel

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607

  • +972 (0) 52 9530 385
