Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

#146 Data-Driven Mobility Hackathon Applications are now open to Dutch and Turkish Organizations

  • Industry Logistics
  • Online since 2021-10-04

Innovators, entrepreneurs, students, researchers, and individuals from Turkey and from the Netherlands who are ready to develop solutions for the traffic-related problems in Istanbul are invited to join the online Data-Driven Mobility Hackathon on November 6-7.

Data-Driven Mobility Hackathon Applications are now open to Dutch and Turkish Organizations

The hackathon participants will have the opportunity to tap into the datasets of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. Using these datasets, in two days, teams will gather to develop their ideas, explore new business models and solutions, and define the next steps to implement them. Representatives from Turkish and Dutch organizations will also attend the hackathon to mentor and support the teams to further develop their ideas for the final pitching event. At the end of the second day, contestants will demonstrate their solution to an expert jury.

The expected results that teams deliver will be:

  • A demonstration of applying data science by linking different types of datasets for generating new insights, engagement, and solutions. This could be in the form of a service, an application, an algorithm etc.

More details and applications please visit the website:  Veri Odaklı Hareketlilik Hackathonu, WRI Türkiye (

Go to website

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  • Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center
    Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Israel

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607

  • +972 (0) 52 9530 385
